Saturday, 7 September 2013

My loving caring life companion..

It touched me when u made a splendid suprise during my study year..

you was in Qatar for few months and i thought you never coming back home when you called and said "sayang cuba tengok kat luar tingkap sekarang?"

i was  in my room on the 3rd Floor of 4th College UM.

I Was beyond shocked and of course...touched by your gesture sayang..

You did it again when i was back from US or UK (which i couldnt remember) .You ve waited for me at the arrival hall with a bouqet of roses...something that i never have imagined you to give!!!.And of touched baby...

On our engagement say something that make me touched my heart so much that my heart still aching when i reminiscence it now..and Bullah captured the moment!

"Nape berseri seri sangat hari ni?"

Then later down the road..On our solemnization day up so handsomely with your carrot coloured baju melayu and GREEN sock..u cited the akad that makes me foreverly touches me straight to my heart and my still does me..

And now..when i told you shouldnt come back home..that i can manage the pain..that i do not want to burden you with the pain and  with our keep on suprising continue to shower me with love..with affection and with your responsibility towards me..

Cant wait to see you here sayang...even if its for few days..your loving thoughts ..thats what matter to me..

i love you..


  1. so sweet..mesti ur husband risau sgt pasal u..i pon keja offshore..bila tgk regular crew kat sini i faham mcm mane hati dorg bila tinggal family n demi sesuap nasik kena kuatkan hati
    semoga u cepat sihat:)

    1. do u cope with yourself n family?rindu x?

    2. hi ayeen..i'm not a regular crew.just go to offshore if necessary to do so. even go for a few days pon dah rasa xsabar nak blik darat.apatah lg yg duduk berminggu dan berbulan :)
