Saturday, 13 December 2014
Amanda Baby Masyam Momi
Please stop growing my baby.
I ve always pray to have someone who love me infinitely..who looks at me with loving eyes..
Who smiles when seeing me
Who look at me like im the most important person in the whole world.
Who always in need of my hugging..
Who cries at my absence.
And God send me u sayang.
Life is now a wonderful nonstop tiring journey yet very satisfying.and full of mystery and who knows what lies ahead of us.
u think ur prayers are not being granted.
But look at what u have now.
Im smiling.
Thank u God.
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Monday, 29 September 2014
Delayed Entry:Pengalaman Bersalin Baby Amanda PART 2
Link Part 1:
Di DEMC..hubby bawak i ke bahagian A&E terus walaupun i sebenarnya xsakit sangat..nyut nyut gitu aje..
Kalaula i tau opening dah 1cm waktu tu ahahahahah..
Lepas dia drop..dia pegi park kereta kat bawah..
Attendan pon datang dan bawak i naik labour room guna the meantime..attendant kat bawah dah tanya i under Dr mana..So lepas mention Dr Jumeah..i assume they gonna call her lah.
True enough sampai je labour room kat tingkat 6,ada Dr Jumeah and Dr Zamri tengah sembang2..
I ditolak masuk bilik 1 kalau xsilap..pastu kena pasang seatbelt ctg tu utk tgok contraction seme .husband pon datang..pastu ctg i still mendatar beb..
Mcm xde tanda2 nak bersalin ponnn..false alarm lagi laaaaa aisehmen.
Tapi kalini i dah cakap kt hasben..i xnak diadmit skali lg..sian habis duit lg kang kalo false alarm..
Hui kalola time tu kami dua sedar Amansa akan lahir malam tu..mesti dah tgh prepare mental dan fizikal!
Dlm around sejam dua ctg still xnaik canak canak so i disuruh pakai baju dan disorong hasben turun ke level 1,.klinik Dr Jumeah.
I tunjuk my mukus plug kt doktor..we discussed few simple things lepastu Dr suh naik atas katil nak cek condition bb..
Alhamdulillah air ketuban banyak lagi..Amanda pon very de aktip..kodek sana kodek sini alahai anak momi..
Dr cakap ..lambat lagi u nak bersalin ni..u sure ke xde leaking?
I cakap xsure..tapi mmg few days since lastweek basaaah je pantyliner tuuu .
Lepas dh siap ultrasound Dr suruh i bangun untuk bukak pentis..nak buat VE ..
So dalam keadaan berbaring tu..ada nurse tolong i bangun..
terjerit "ADUH"!
pastu Dr tanya" apesal sakit ke"?
I jawab "Baby kick kot Dr"
Kahkahkah bila ingat balik jawapan i..memang kelakar plak.
I pon baring semula..
Elok je baring...terasa air panas mengalir lajuuuuuu je keluar dari Miss V..
I panik sambil inform Dr..
Dr xjadi buat VE.."hah dah pecah ketuban ni..confirm lah awak nak bersalin ni..naik labor room balik ye"
Hubby kt belakang tirai terkesima.
"Hah nak bersalin dah ke Dr?"
I pandang hubby.hubby pandang i.
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Nursery |
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Direct feeding vs bottle feeding
Sometimes we assume that we already 100% prepared for anything that gonna happen once the baby is born.
Never did i forecast that i wont be able to nurse my baby and have to rely on breastpump and bottles.
Amanda is doing great with the EBM..its just me..
The question is :
1-how long amanda will keep refusing to df?
2-what can be done during the confinement period(Mom is being very very not helpful when i tried to push amanda to nurse from me.She even bought another teat so that Amanda can nurse from a smaller bottle instead of the MAM bottle that i currently use.She doesnt realize that introducing another teat will only make Amanda getting more confused)
3-If everything doesnt work out..will i commit to pump my milk everyday..bottlefeed amanda until she is 2years old..will i be happy to bring the pump,the warmer,the bottles everywhere we go and envied alll of my frens who just bought their breast with them?
I am almost out of effort but i am more than willing to force amanda to accept my breast.But will amanda cooperate?
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Delayed Entry:Pengalaman Bersalin Baby Amanda
Subhanallah..Rasanya tak boleh lupakan hari ni sampai bila bila.
Tapi as time goes by,our memories tend to preserve just the important stuffs and tends to forget all tiny little details that supposed to make the story more sweeter..
Jadi sebelom otak ai start doing nak bercerita la pengalaman melahirkan Amanda..
Bangun.mandi.pergi kerja sebab ada meeting.Maklomlah Tuesday.Nervous jugak sebab hari Khamis nanti ada exam 3P.Tapi 1 habuk pun belum baca.Mana xnya..mak abah datang bercuti sempena 31 Ogos..dan i was admitted due to my water leaking situation.Dalam hati ni ai always knew yang Amanda akan dilahirkan awal.Sempat.lagi ai berdoa.."Amanda kua awal ok..nanti momi xpayah la buat bussiness planning".LOL.
Sampai je office..meeting..discuss few things dengan boss and colleagues lepas tu i start rasa few mild contraction.As i always had it before...i tot its the braxton hicks.
But it keep getting stronger and infrequent so then i decided to went home and rest.As usual.Tapi boleh pulak Dr Ranjit telefon nak masukkan order.So i.pergi visit Dr Ranjit .chit chat sikit lepas tu ambil order dan shoot balik rumah.
Ada rasa braxton hicks lagi.
Sampai rumah masuk toilet.Eh atas pantyliner ada discharge.Dan ada darah sikitttt dengan discharge tu.
Sorry sebab TMI!i ada ambil gambar ok.Siap tunjuk dekat BFF tanya"whatteheck ni??perlukah aku pi DEMC skg??" Bla bla.bla.I decided to not panick sebab buat rugi duit je kau masa.admitted haritu..1malam je dah kena caj sampai 1k.Kesian hubby.
Ajak Qayyum(adik) pergi Klinik Arisah.
Dr Arisah:Apsal.awak datang sini??Pergi DEMC terus.Ini mukus plug ni.
Ai:Ala doktor..saya xnak.panik.Banyak orang cakap lepas.seminggu mukus plug keluar baru bb keluar.Saya nak cek air ketuban ok lagi x.
Dr Arisah (Lepas scan):Air ketuban ok tapi saya cadangkan awak pergi DEMC
So ai started call hubby and ajak.dia teman ke DEMC.
I still ingat ayat Whatsapp hubby yang buat i rasa cam nak hempuk je dia"Nak abang balik ke?"
I replied."Tak yah balik.esok nowen bawak balik baby ke rumah"
Kalaulah masa boleh diputar..i akan rakam i cakap camtu kat hubby untuk buktikan betapa masin mulut i. LOL.
Hubby balik
Bersiap bawak beg semua. DEMC.
Monday, 8 September 2014
Baby AA dah balik rumah
Hi guys..
Hrni baby AA dh balik rumah..
So unfortunate masa admitted her jaundice was at 14.8 ..roughly around 14.8 x 17: 251.6
Then esoknya cek ..jaundice turun ke 12.7..doktor advice tahan lg kt nursery..
Masuk second day i have made up my mind even sebelum tau result phototherapy lagi which is to bring her home and berubat cara kampung+ulaNg ulang bawak ke klinik kesihatan utk dipantau..
Then masa dtg nk ambil baby..rate dia doktor beritahu 11.2..
Rendah je kadar penurunan dia walaupun dah phototherapy..
Hospital bills pun dah meningkat..and true enough i instruct them to discharge her..
Balik rumah terus buat bf every 1@2 plus minus..
And mak buat mandian air keranda cina(betolkah ejaan keranda entah ler).
Beli ubat kat kedai tabib cina.
Esok mak nak buat apa plak xtau la.
Hubby plak buat terapi alquran kt baby aa..
All of us hoping she gona get better ..
Be strong little one!
Momy dedi love u so much!
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Baby AA admitted Day 2-6days old
Its very true when people been telling us that they appreciate their mother the most once they themselves becomes a mother..
I always values and treasures my mom's sixthsense..primal instinct..mother's daughter connection..loves and special affection that only she knows for each and every one of her kids. i am a mother become much clearer how much loves she must have and how big her heart is towards me and my siblings.
It is beyond compare..
None can be sum up to equal to even a partial of loves she have to us..
It happens to me now..
My loves towards my special baby AA have grown and grown and grown even when she is not yet born.
Once she is already here..the explosion of it is just .. Supernova..
I am soo fondly in love with my own daughter now..
Lastnite i continue to cry myself to sleep while hugging one of her many pillows and sniffing the sweet smell of her on it..
Hubby was doing the same thing..
He might not cry but i knew..he is trying to be tough for both of us..
I knew he ia crying when nobody sees him..
Dear hubby,thank you for always been there and comfort me thru this pain..
Hopefully baby AA can be discharged today..
I am currently in KMC..visiting my baby..and got the chance to hold her n kiss her just now..
The pain is still unbearable but i manage to sniff few tears and nasal drops away.
I have to be tough coz seeing my baby getting well is an encouragement for me to also be tough as her ..
Be strong sayang!
U gonna be ok!mommy know u can do it!!
36 weeks and dah bersalin
But just to let u guys know..ayeen dah selamat melahirkan baby girl baby AA secara normal delivery pada 2/9/2014 yang lalu..
Baby kua awal..4weeks from expected due date..
Nanti kalau sempat ayeen blog about it ye.
Harini hati ai mcm disayat y dkandung 36weeks ++ dalam perot..always together tmgether dengan momi..xpernah berenggang..
Kena admit sebab jaundice..and i cant b with her..;(
Baby..momi mtk maaf ye..momi nangis non stop since i left u at the nursery KMC td for phototherapy..
Balik je cium bantal awak syg..momi n dedi rindu awak sgt sgt.
Cepat sembuh ye syg
Esok momi dtg amek awak..see if u can be discharge ye syg..amin..
Separuh jiwaku pergi*
Saturday, 30 August 2014
admitted lagi!!!!aisehmen!!!
Pergi check up baby di DEMC.Contraction like crazy .
Mentioned kat doktor pasal leaking.
Dah ready dah bila doktor cakap"pergi baring.saya buat VE tengok serviks dah open ke x.."
Most people kata VE sakit.sebenarnya kalau kita relax dan buat lembut badan..VE cuma feel uncomfortable ja..
Xde opening..tapi doktor notice ada clear water discharge dengan a bit v discharge.
Kena admit lah masuk wad for monitoring.wuwuwuwuw
Kat wad doktor buat ctg scan 2x nak tengok uterine contraction and monitor tengok ada leaking lagi ke x..
Kena pakai pad la sepanjang malam tidor...
Alhamdulillah dah xde leaking.just normal discharge.
V swab result cuma boleh dapat lepas semi nggu...
30/08/2014: Dah boleh discaj lepas doktor datang visit..Kos tidur wad single bed rm190+ lepas tax..
Fees bla bla bla..RM900+..
tq dedi..sian dedi haa..
Tapi Baby so cooperative..and degil..bukan masanya lagi kot dia nak keluar..
Seronok je dia ek xnak keluar lagi..momi pulak yang neves bukan2..
Air ketuban doktor cakap still ok tapi kalau tetiba rasa water gush out lagi..2/9/2014 selasa kena pergi balik and baby terpaksa laaaa di induce. Sebab takut infection..
Sian bb kalo infection..
Kalau checkup is 8/9/2014.
Dear baby,momi tunggu baby keluar ok..
2minggu or 3minggu je lagi.tamoh lambat sangat tau ..
Momi dedi dah xsabar dah nak jumpa awal sygggg!!!;)
Berat baby sekarang 2.5kg..
Bayangkan kalau 4minggu still xnak keluar2.
Memang besar bak johan la nanti!..
We still love u tho baby..
See u soon ;)
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Entah la.semalam masa terjaga terasa ada air keluar 2x..
Bila seluk rasa basah je.
Harini bangun check..pantiliner soaked ha basah..
Luckily ada bb checkup sebelum check up,i am monitoring baby movement..hopefully baby is still ok la..
Kalau pun leaking..maybe doktor akan suggest induce la kot..or czer..
Ready for any possibilities ok!
Wish me and baby luck!!!
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Master room with baby cot
Sebelom baby AA keluar..momi dedi bz rearrange n decorate the masta bedroom untuk memuatkan baby cot dia..
Comel sgtlahh nanti momi dedi atas AA kodek kodek dalam baby cot ye?
Mana xnya..katil double la sayang..sorry ye xle nak crash the bed with momi dengan dedi..
Nanti baby AA yang kena himpit dengan dedi.
Hahahahah (momi sebenarnya yang tido buas)
awww nak buat bilik jadi gini..tak boleh gini pun..versi selebet pun jadilah kan..
Nanti bila bilik dah siap semua dah setup ai post the pic ok!
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Nama anak
OMG nama anak dah ready..
Since she was 6months old inside ha.
But just last night i dream that her name is not AA.but AAA.
this is tricky.
35weeks and counting!!!
Alhamdulillahhhhhh i am now at my last day of 35weeks!!!
Barang baby dah ready.barang mommy je belum..
Disebabkan sekarang guna blogger apps dalam handset xiaomi..xboleh nak post gambar banyak2 wuwuwuwu
Finalize hospital:DEMC
Due date:InsyaAllah end of September tapi ai rasa baby AA ni keluar awal.
Ceh yakin je.
Sampai ke hari xmakan sebarang supplement except Salindah.
Sekarang dah Salindah B3..
Akan stop salindah la..xnak go on B4 dah hahahahah nak fokus minum susu aje.
Susu diminum:Mamil
Why?Sebab baby AA debok.kalau minum Anmum..agaknya perit momi nak teran baby AA keluar nanti.oh anak.
Till akan apdet every weeks ye!
Sunday, 3 August 2014
32weeks in progress ;)
Assalamualaikummmm ;)
Selamat Hari Raya cuolss..
hopefully tak terlambat la kan..
Alhamdulillah baby is progressing well..
Mommy baby yang tak..dengan sakit pinggang..kaki gajah..braxton hicks..perut cekang..
Bertabahlah meniti few last days ni..
Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan nanti aminnn..
Barang2 last dah dibeli..
-baby cot
-baby cot bedding
-baby basin
-breast pump and accessories and stuffs
-hanger penyangkut
-sabun basuh baju baby and all
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Bleeding at 26weeks part 2
Bila dalam labour room...i was trying to be as calm as i can be.and the baby seems like she picking up my nervousness so baby pon quiet jee..
Sesekali baby kicking..
Nurse suruh londeh baju pakai baju terbalik tu ..
I was so scared.
Keep telling the baby.. "Please baby stay with mommy..mommy promise mommy xbuat lagi dah angkat berat berat ni"
Tapi baby diam jeee.nebes kot
Lepas tu Dr Arifah datang. ..luckily she is still in Tropicana so dia xpayah on call datang dan i pun xkena caj mahal..
Nurse check guna doppler tapi xdapat hearbeat
I dah panik tapi i keep calm sebab baby i memang begitu!!!
Kalau guna doppler memang xboleh dengar hearbeat dia!!
Maybe because of her position or whatsoever tapi i non stop praying laaa ya allahhhh semoga baby aku selamat nihhh..
Then Dr Arifah cakap "meh kita scan"
Dalam scan tu....
Baby comel je show heartbeat..n sekali sekala gerak slow slow manja2...xkick momy like usual..
Baby tahu ye momi tgh risau ye?
Im sorry ye baby?
Dr arifah said that no bleeding seems tp happened from inside so proly bleeding is from cervix or vagina area.
I explained tat hubby is away for 1month so there is no possible way it was bcoz of sex.
So doctor cakap maybe i strained my muscle to the limit..
But baby seems ok..
And if bleeding happen again in future..Dr akan advice i untuk emergency c sect.
Terus ai nangis kelegaan sbb baby okk..
Then i drove back home..
Member2 suh g hosp sg buloh but bcos i was too tired...i get back home.
Tapi baby still resah gelisah so fie suruh makan sket..maybe baby lapar..
True enough..lepas i tidurrr like nothing happened!!
Kesiannnn anak.momi!!!!!
Lapar rupanya!
Momi xmakan dr kul 7-11 ha!!
Elok je i sampai parking rumah..i make an emegency call to my hubby vessel in South China Sea tu..but someone else pick up..
Tapi they gonna let him noe la i call for emergency.
True enough. Hubby called back..
Im so relieved that i can hear his voice..
Lepas tu kena marah.
Lepas tu kena suruh rest .bedrest.dpt cuti 1minggu ha.
What an experience for me..
I was thinking...i got friends yang memang kebal..jalan sana sini..angkat barang itu ini...sangat gagah even bleeding pon x..
While i...on the other hand..kejap kejap bleeding..kejap kejap sakit kaki..urat penuh kt bawah bontot ni..vericose vein dah muncul dr ai 3mths lagi!!!
Bengkak and all..
Tak boleh angkat even benda y i normally able to lift tao.
So i accept my limitation.
Im gonna be as manja as i can be
I prefer to be manja n dikatakan mengada ada rather than loosing my baby again..
The pain of losing my first pregnancy will only be gone with the delivery of my second one ni..
O my precious miracle baby..
Momi love u so much..
Can wait to see u in 10weeks time.
Friday, 20 June 2014
nightmare-bleeding at 26weeks
Tulah..4-5hari berturut2 ai angkat barang dan kuat jalan..
Harini kemuncaknya bleeding..
Im gona update soon.
Sekarang baru balik dari Tropicana.sangat letih .
UPDATED ON 5/7/2014
lambatnya ai apdet story..mana xnya..lepas bleeding ..dapat bed rest 1minggu lepas tu terus kena masuk MTR Meeting selama 1minggu bermula 30hb haritu baru habis semalam..
Penat tak terkata.
So cut the long story short..
Dalam list barang2 baby gedebok..yang belum ada adalah :
-bantal tilam baby(untuk berpantang kt kampung nanti)
-baby cot dgn kelengkapan(utk lepas berpantang)
-more mitten dgn booties
-more baju
-pampers newborn
-bakul baju
-almari baju
-baby carrier
-car seat
-minyak telon
Untuk mommy gedebok plak:
-breastpump and kelengkapan
-nursing bra
-disposable pentis (utk bawak ke spitel)
Jadi ai sgt la gigih nak potong2 list barang ni sebelom perot memboyot dgn lebih gigih lagi.
Pagi kejadian ai kena masuk office.ada sales meeting dgn bos.dalam jem tu ai dapat for the first time!-Braxton's Hicks!
Ya allah sakitnya tuhan ajela tauuu..rahim mengecut dari arah luar ke pusat then kembang kencup 4x .
Sakit sampai terjerit dalam kereta!
Tapi ai gagahkan jugak pergi office sebab dah separuh pejalanan dah ponn.
Kat office memang xsedap gile perut..
Bila tanya kawan2,they said its only 5%.real contraction gonna be very definite n gonna taste like 95% stronger than dis.
Anyway im alarmed by it but after a just stop.and im happy sebab dapat pergi pwtc.ohohoho.
Sempat kan fikir cmtu?
Ai pergi ke mom&baby expo kt pwtc tu lepas kul 12..
Mak aihhh parking penuhhh so i terpaksa la park dalam hotel seri pacific tepi tu.
Lepas lunch kat dalam hotel tu ..(makan salad salmon my favret):
Lepas dah kenyang(yes salad je dah mampu mengenyangkan gedebok mmg suke sangat salad ha :) bagus bagus )
Usha2 barang..
Xde y berkenan di hati except:
-bantal tilam baby
-jumpa minyak telon
-breast pump seat dgn barang autumnz
Bantal tilam dia besar gedabak ok..tapi ada banyak variety..lupe plak nama booth dia ape..but few of the choices are this:
Comel kan?
So lps discuss dgn hubby,ai amek y kaler hijau sebab in case nanti depan2 baby boy..xla dia segan sgt tilam dia pink or merah kann.ahahahahah
Skg baby gel so its ok ada love love tuuu ;)
Harga asal rm290 dapat rm200 masa pwtc fair ni..boleh la.sebab bantal kekabu..
Lepas tu nampak pelapik stroller pulak.aisehmen..kena beli sekali ni.xboleh jadi..
Pastu masalah pon bermula..
I remind u again dear readers..i parked in Seri Pacific..therefore i had to drag the heavy bantal tilam kekabu all the way from the fair to the parking lot.
Masa tu dah nyut nyut nyut nyut.
Tapi i was being so ignorant.barang dah beli woi.xkan nak tinggal???;(
Sampai kereta.
Start enjin.
Drive balik rumah.
Trus terbaring penat.
N rasa nak i head to the loo la.
Lepas tu baring atas katil pon dok nyut nyut nyut lg.
Baby so alarmingly active!kick sana kick sini kick situ..
Waktu tu dah rasa pelik.
Lapar kot baby ni sebab ai dun have any meals since 3pm-730pm tu..
So i bangunla nak g masak bihun pama(hahahaha makan bihun segera) .
Rasa nak kencing n heavy down there.
Pergi toilet.
Eh?ada fresh blood atas toilet bowl????
Mai mana fresh blood ni?
Waktu tu baru nak tengok pentis lah.
Ya allah dah ada setompok fresh blood ha atas pentis!
Bila wipes..ada lots more blood there!
I got panicked and whatsapp my friend informing them of the situation just in case (coz i am all alone.hubby is offshore)..
Kawan2 suh g government sebab takot kisah lama berulang kembali(misscarriage)...
Ai pulak still can feel the baby kicking2!!
So i knew back then tat the baby is still alive!
So i amek langkah drastik...pergi Tropicana..
Trus menapak masuk laluan ambulans tu xde nye nak amek no ke apa ke.i dun care.
They quickly strolled me up using a wheelchair to the labour room.
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
6 months ;)
semoga Allah beri mommi izin untuk lahirkan pretty princess dan diberikan rezeki menjaga n menyayangi mu syg..
U are a fighter...a miracle and a gift from Allah to mommi.
Please stay strong..healthy..kicking macam nak masuk World Cup as always ya?
Esok detailed checkup.Mommi harap ur progress semua tip top.
Neves tak tau nak cakap cmne dah..
Dah lama sgt xtgok u my baby..since u was 19weeks ha!
Mommi rindu nak tgok pipi tembam u and ur high nose..
U got daddy's nose! XD
I love u my baby girl..
Cant wait to hold u in my arm..
Friday, 16 May 2014
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Simptom-simptom sebelum UPT positif ;)
Tapi untuk mengelakkan ai terlupa semua peristiwa indah yang nak share dengan semua orang kat sini..
Hopefully boleh jadi rujukan pada orang lain..
Kehamilan ai taklah seindah orang lain..tapi ni pengalaman yang paling berharga untuk ai..I feel so special sebab i know i am different from other expectant mom.
6 hari lepas bd( bersama),ai ada bleeding kecil dipanggil spotting.Sikit je keluar...Spotting keluar selama 8 hari kalau xsilap.
Disebabkan ai buat BBT..i rasa 70% konpiden time tu ai mengalami implantation bleeding..
1) berwarna pink..kekadang brown pudar..
2)pastu kalau dia merah..dia berlendir..
3)xbesar..dalam setompok calit atas pantyliner je..
dalam masa yang sama..BBT seperti berikut..

Ni pulak laporan CERVICAL MUCUS DAN INSIDEN INSIDEN LAIN setiap hari merujuk kepada cycle day (CD) dan Day past Ovulation i (DPO).
CD tu sebelum Ovulasi graf sebelah kiri line biru..Ovulasi tu kat line biru yang crossing tu..dan DPO tu selepas line biru(graf sebelah kanan)..
CD14 dan CD15 : Egg white ( Ovulasi expected berlaku so ai BD time tu lah kan)
DPO6: SPOTTING.Mula mula keluar dengan creamy discharge.lepas tu dia keluar clot clot brown blood.Harini migraine teruk giloooooo
DPO7:Sama macam semalam jugak..tetiba ada rasa menyucuk cucuk cucuk kat sebelah kiri bawah pusat
DPO8:CIRIT BIRIT ALAHAIIIII.RASA CUCUK CUCUK.ada BD, selepas bd darah makin banyak...tapi eventually jadi brown balik...LEGA~
DPO9:BANGUN PAGI RASA RESTLESS GILA!macam xtidur semalaman.Rasa macam body tengah bekerja keras menghabiskan tenaga untuk sesuatuhhh.HARI NI DARAH ALL DAY BROWN,CREAMY sampai je malam dah stop. tapi cecair yang keluar dari Miss V memang bau darah.
DPO10:BLOATING!sebelah kiri ni macam bengkak ok!NO BLEEDING.CUMA WATERY with blood smell.
Saturday, 22 March 2014
Orang lain 5@6months baru naik baby masa 3months pon baby bump dah sangat comel.hehehehhe
ni bukan buncit memang perot ai.
Doctor cakap maybe sebab rahim tolak usus ai naik..end up jadila baby bump.
walau bagaimana pon ai still think usus bump is cute!
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Counting and counting
besarnya pengorbanan seorang ibu..
enjoy the moment :)