Hi guys..i am still waiting for my next AF..This shou be the 2nd flow after misscarriage.But its not yet herr!It has been 35days since my last!
it seems longer than usual this time. dejavu dejavu but since i keep track of my BBT amd charted it...it feels a bit comforming and also a relieve to see the reason..
i have a very late ovulation this month.
Oh well..Dear Hubby is not here to fertilized the egg but we shall not get too sad about it..We still have plenty of times!
There were a few symptoms that are confusing though..
I thought that i was ovulating on 14 - 15 /10
On 20/10 : Pink spotting that on and off and stop on 23/10<----- i WAS HOPING THISBIS IMPLANTATION BLEEDING!
But then on 29th/10: i have brown spotting and on and off it cames and go everyday until last 2/11..
It was during this time ibsaw my graph showed my rprogesterone level is high..
Now i started to feels cramps like im about to have AF..we shall see in few days..Lets hope the graph keep heading down so i can be a normal person who are trying to conceive again...:(
So dis is the explanation and recommendation that i get from Fertility Friend apps: